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What documents do I need to send for my Car Insurance?

We will advise you which documents to forward when you set up your policy.

You’ll also be able to see a list of these documents, along with the ones that you have left to submit, through your MyAXA account. To register for MyAXA please visit here.

Some of the documents we may request include:

Driver licence:

ROI and UK licence holders will have to provide their driver licence number. Licences issued outside the ROI and UK must provide the original document. Terms and conditions of the licence must be adhered to. To check the validity of your licence please contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

Driving history:

No claims discount

If you have a no claims discount earned in your own name, we will require the original document confirming the number of years without claims, claims details, matching vehicle registration, expiry date and policy number. Please refer to FAQ "What is no claims discount?" for more details.

Driving experience earned as a named driver

If you were named on another policy as a named driver, we will ask you to provide a letter from your previous insurer confirming drivers named, period of cover, details of any claims disclosed and policy number.

Driving experience earned on a company car

If you were driving a company car, we will ask you to provide a letter from the insurance company confirming that you were covered on the company policy, number of claim free years and the period of cover.

We will also ask that you provide a letter from your employer confirming the following:

  1. Period of cover
  2. Full time exclusive use of the vehicle
  3. Exclusive use of the vehicle
  4. No claims made on the vehicle during this period of time
  5. Confirmation that you no longer have the use of the company car

Details of previous claims:

If you have any previous claims, we will ask you to provide a letter from your previous insurer outlining date of loss, claim type, status and settlement amount of the claim.

Please note: that we may also ask you to forward additional documentation. This will be explained to you at the time of purchase.