
Low Carbon Pledge

Businesses working together for a low carbon future

We’ve backed our commitment to climate action by signing the Low Carbon Pledge.

We’re planting the seeds of change today, for tomorrow

The Low Carbon Pledge

The pledge aims to set industry standards for sustainability with a view to achieving carbon neutrality - or a net zero economy.

It calls on businesses to work towards setting science-based emission reduction targets (limiting global warming to 1.5°C) by 2024 at the latest.

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) supports Ireland’s business sector as, together, we transition to a low carbon economy.

What we’re doing:

  • Reducing indirect carbon emissions like business travel or through our supply chains
  • Committing to gaining knowledge of best practice and ensuring our targets are linked to the latest science
  • Helping local communities move towards a low carbon economy

Reducing carbon emissions

What we’ve achieved to date:


AXA's decrease in absolute CO2 emissions between 2012 and 2020

What we’re aiming for next:


CO2 emissions reduction target between 2019 and 2025

Our global science-based targets

We have set ourselves sustainability targets for many years and completed our target of -25% carbon per employee and paper reduction a year early. Here’s how we’re looking ahead with environmental footprint targets to be completed by 2025.

CategoryTarget 2025
Power Emissions-35% tCO2
Consumption-10% mhw
Car Emissions-20% tCO2
Business Travel-18% tCO2
Water-10% tCO2
Paper-20% kg/FTE
Unsorted Waste-10% kg/FTE

Funding Research

As part of our commitment to climate action, we continue to fund research that will help to shape a better world. Through the AXA Research Fund, we support scientific research projects related to environmental resilience, biodiversity and protecting natural habitats.

Signing the Low Carbon Pledge solidifies our commitment to climate action. It means taking responsibility for our carbon footprint and doing what we can to reduce it.