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Keeping future drivers safe with the PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow

Since 2001, the PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow has been spreading the message of road safety nationwide. We’re proud to sponsor this valuable road safety experience that is leading the way for a safer future.

Driving | road safety
November 4th, 2019

Why the Roadsafe Show is needed

Statistically, 17-24 year olds are at a much higher risk of being involved in fatal collisions than older drivers. The PSNI recognised that something had to be done to tackle this disturbing trend. Teaming up with the emergency services, AXA and local schools they built a program that communicated directly and hit home with young drivers.

And so, The PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow was born. Every school year, the PSNI brings this valuable and unique experience to schools across Northern Ireland to help support and protect our future drivers.

Students watching accident recreation during PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow

What is the Roadsafe Roadshow?

The PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow mixes theatre, video and first-hand accounts from police and emergency services to expose the dangers of driving. Victims of road traffic collisions will also share their stories.

Using the power of storytelling, real life tragedies are played out on stage by the people who come across these tragic events all too often. The emergency services at the scene share their own experiences and emotions dealing with such collisions and helping the injured and families of the deceased.

At the end of the hard-hitting experience, the audience comes away with a much better understanding of the importance of road safety. The students will also take away a newfound responsibility to continue spreading the Roadsafe Roadshow’s valuable message.

You can watch video testimonials from students who have attended the event on the PSNI website.

Police talking to students at PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow

A huge global success

Since its introduction, over a quarter of a million teens have attended the Roadsafe Roadshow.

But the Roadsafe message doesn’t stop there. Police services across the world have adopted the Northern Ireland initiative and created their own version of the Roadshow delivering the important message to millions of young people worldwide.

We are proud to have been part of this journey since the beginning. The ground-breaking initiative has empowered our young drivers to lead the way in road safety.

Find out more about The PSNI Roadsafe Roadshow.

Tags: road safety
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