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Clever car trip tips for pet owners

Driving | car insurance
November 15th, 2018

There’s no denying the special bond between a person and their pet. Pets truly are like members of the family. When it comes to travelling with your pet, whether it's to the local beach for a walk, across town to visit friends or on a longer trip for holidays, it’s important the appropriate measures are taken to ensure their journey is as animal-friendly as possible. We’ve put together some tips on how to make sure your pet gets to the desired destination hassle free.

Woman with coffee and dog in car

Prepping your pet

If you’ve got a long car journey planned, you shouldn’t leave it until the day of the big trip to introduce your pet to travelling by car. It’s important to remember that the car is completely new to them so you should let them get familiar with it in advance of the long journey to ease them into the process.

Bringing your pet, especially if you have a dog, on a walk before a long journey is a great way to tire them out. This could help them to relax and rest during the drive.

Food glorious food

Travelling on a full stomach isn’t always advised as your pet could become sick but make sure you have some food and snacks on standby for them if needs be. When it comes to water, make sure you have plenty to hand. There are reasonably priced travel friendly water bowls out there so they have access to water at all times.

The right restraint

Free reign throughout the vehicle is an accident waiting to happen. Your pet cannot be a distraction to you while driving. They’re also in great danger if there’s an accident and they’re not properly secured in the car. The size and weight of your pet will determine the appropriate restraint for them. For some, the answer is a special harness, while for others it’s a container within which they should be able to stand up and turn around. Make sure this is also securely positioned. A barrier is also strongly recommended if you have an animal that’s likely to try and jump at you while you’re driving.

Small dog in car with harness

Creature comforts

Just like we might have our go-to items to make our trip more enjoyable - a cushion to sit on or a take-away coffee - try and make your pet’s experience as comfortable as possible. Bring their favourite blanket or toy to keep them amused while they travel in a confined space for what could be a long period.

Testing temperature

Make sure your pet is situated in a well-ventilated space. If the windows need to be opened, ensure your pet cannot stick their head out as this can be dangerous. It’s also extremely unsafe for a pet to get too hot as they could overheat, so make sure to keep your pet cool throughout the car trip.

Break time

Take breaks. Just like us, pets need to take five to stretch their legs, have a drink of water, go to the toilet, have a snack and get some fresh air. Never leave your pet on their own in the car. They could overheat, suffocate, or become anxious because they think you aren’t coming back. A car trip is already a change so reduce anxiety as much as possible.

Dog drinking from travel bowl

Final destination

When stopping for breaks, and once you reach your final destination, make sure you’re in control of your dog before opening the car door or boot. Having been confined for a long period, they’re highly likely to be excitable in their new surroundings and are at risk of making a dash for freedom – potentially getting lost or running into traffic. Secure your dog on their leash inside the car, and make sure you’ve got control of them when they’re leaving the vehicle.

Make your journey as hassle-free as possible by having a car insurance policy in place that protects you and the whole family. Talk to your insurer today about getting the cover that’s right for you.

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