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How to add drivers to your policy using MyAXA

Before adding a driver to your policy you must ensure that you have this driver's consent to our use of and sharing of any personal/sensitive data.
  1. Login to MyAXA

    If you do not have a MyAXA account you can register for one here. You will need your policy number during setup.

  2. Locate the policy you wish to change in the My Policies section and select View policy

  3. Select Add a driver from the options on the policy summary page

  4. Complete all the details for the driver you wish to add

  5. Please answer all the legal declarations

  6. Please enter the date and time you want this change to take effect

  7. Tick the checkbox to confirm the details you have provided are correct and press Continue

  8. Review price

    Adding a driver to your policy may affect your annual premium.

  9. Is payment due?

    If your premium has increased or if you've added some optional cover, payment may now be due. If so, you will be redirected to our payment provider's website. Please select which applies to you:

  10. To finalise the amendment, press Confirm Change

    That's it! The new driver will be covered from the date and time you have chosen. We will email you with a confirmation of your policy change shortly.

  11. Press Pay Now You will then be transferred to our payment provider's website

  12. Enter your credit/debit card details and submit the form

    Please don't close the browser window! You will be redirected once the payment process is complete

  13. Confirmation - Thank you!

    That's it! The new driver will be covered from the date and time you have chosen. We will email you with a confirmation of your policy change shortly.