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5 tips to prepare your home for winter

Property | winter storm protection
December 14th, 2018

The winter can bring some terrible weather, from rain, hail, and snow to windy conditions and cold, icy temperatures, it’s hard to know what to expect. So, it’s important to prepare your house to ensure you can have a safe and cosy winter no matter what weather hits! In this article, we’ll take you through 5 tips to help you prepare your house for the winter.

1. Winterise your home

  • Make sure that you have enough fuel and that all your heating systems are ready and working. It’s advisable to get a boiler service before the winter to ensure all is in working order.
  • Get your chimney swept so you can use your fire without risk.
  • Repair any drafts, sealing them off so the cold can’t make its way in.
  • Make sure there are no leaks in the roof.
  • Clear the gutters and trim any tree branches that could fall on your home in the event of a storm.
  • Make sure you know where the water and gas shut-off are in your house.

2. Prepare your pipes

The last thing you want to deal with when a storm hits is a disruption to your water supply or worse, bust pipes.

  • Insulate water tanks and pipes to keep them from freezing over. Even wrapping a towel around the taps could be enough to prevent freezing.
  • Service your boiler to prevent any leaks from freezing and causing it to break down.
  • Fix dripping taps, especially those outside. If you’ve got a drip outside that freezes, you could be setting up for a slip.
  • Leave your heating on, even on a low setting, to allow warm air to circulate and help prevent pipes and tanks from freezing.

3. Have a food and water supply ready

If you lose power or can’t get out of the house, you’ll want to have a supply of food and water, just in case. Keep a three-day supply of fresh drinking water and have a supply of easy-to-prepare, non-perishable foods.

4. Have an emergency kit tucked away

It brings comfort and peace of mind knowing that you have backup supplies in case you can’t get out of the house. Here’s a list of what you could keep in your emergency kit:

  • Keep an additional supply of medications, in case you can’t get to the pharmacy.
  • Have a torch with extra batteries plus matches and candles in case the power goes out.
  • Keep duct tape, plastic sheeting, and basic tools on hand in case you need to seal up a broken window or another small issue.
  • Charge up your power bank to keep your phone charged if you lose power.
  • Make a first aid kit to have on-hand in case of a medical emergency.

5. Keep footpaths clear

If it snows during the winter and it covers your property, it’s important that you clear the footpaths to make a clear pathway for you and others to access your house.

  • Shovelling is hard work, so make sure you’re strong enough to shovel the snow on your footpaths.
  • Start early in the day, if possible, and be sure to wear well-gripped footwear avoid slips.
  • Don’t use boiling water to clear snow. This can re-freeze and cause black ice to form, making it even more dangerous.
  • To prevent ice from forming after you’ve cleared it, you should spread grit or salt on the area.

When it comes to winter weather, preparation is the key to preventing stress and staying safe. Get your home prepared before the winter sets in and you’ll have a cosy winter ahead.

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