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Things to avoid while driving so you stay safe on the road

Driving | driving
June 22nd, 2023

To help you stay safe on the road, we’ve compiled a list of things that you should keep in mind the next time you’re driving.

We all want to drive safely and avoid accidents to protect ourselves, our passengers and other road users. So here are some tips to help you stay safe while driving.

Never get distracted while driving

You should always ensure to keep your concentration levels high while you’re driving, your eyes should always be on the road, the traffic and the surrounding environment.

Oftentimes people can get distracted by their children being noisy in the car, by looking at billboards on the side of the road or by the scenery out the window. So, keep this in mind when you’re driving to ensure that you avoid getting distracted by these things.

You should also never use your phone when driving as it is another distraction from the road. Even if you think you are just glancing at your phone for a couple of seconds, you are at risk of causing or being in an accident as your eyes are off the road. You should simply return the call or respond to the text message when you’ve reached your destination.

Another thing that can cause a distraction while driving is doing your makeup! It might sound funny to you but you’d be surprised how many people try to do their makeup while driving. You should always make time to do your makeup before leaving on your journey, this will help ensure you keep the makeup brushes down while driving and keep your eyes on the road!

A further thing to keep in mind in regard to distractions while driving is using headphones. Wearing headphones while in the car will reduce your ability to hear noises from outside e.g. horns beeping or emergency vehicles etc. So, you should simply listen to the radio in your car instead of wearing headphones so that you’ll have full concentration and awareness of your surrounding environment while driving.

Things to avoid while driving so you stay safe on the road

Always wear a seatbelt

Buckle up before you head off on your journey, it’s the law to wear a seatbelt while driving so always ensure you’re wearing it before you set off. It will protect you if you need to brake suddenly or if you’re involved in an accident.

Wear suitable footwear while driving

It’s important to wear flat shoes while driving so you don’t hinder your ability to use the pedals to brake and accelerate. Wearing footwear with large heels or loose footwear like flip flops restricts your movement and can cause difficulty when braking or accelerating - so keep your heels in the back of your car and swap shoes when you reach your destination!

Never drive over the speed limit

It’s important to obey the speed limit that’s set for a road. You should always be aware of what the speed limit is and keep an eye out for signs on the road that show that the speed limit has changed.

Speed limits are there to reduce the risk of people crashing, so it’s important that you never break the speed limit while driving. Also, collisions when speeding are oftentimes very serious and can even be fatal. It’s proven that if a child is hit when a vehicle is driving at 40mph, there is only a 10% chance of survival. See more info. about speed limits and penalties.

Things to avoid while driving so you stay safe on the road

Never tailgate or have road rage

Tailgating is when you are driving too close to the vehicle in front of you. This is extremely dangerous if the car in front of you suddenly brakes or stops, requiring you to make an emergency stop or to brake harshly. In this event, you are at risk of causing an accident because you only have a small gap between your car and theirs and so you have reduced reaction time.

So, it’s important to always keep a safe distance between your car and the one in front to ensure that you have enough space to break safely in the event of an emergency.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that if you notice that someone is tailgating you, you should move out of their way when it’s safe to do so, to let them pass. This will help reduce the risk of them causing an accident with your vehicle.

Road rage is another thing you should avoid when driving. It’s true, we can all get frustrated while driving from time to time, but it’s important to do your best to stay composed while driving. Keeping composure is so important while driving to ensure that you are fully concentrated on the road.

Never drink and drive

The famous saying ‘Never ever drink and drive’ is one we should all live by. Driving while under the influence of alcohol is not only illegal, but it can have serious effects on your reaction time and judgements, as well as impairing other skills needed when driving. So, it’s important to never drink and drive as you could cause an accident.

Find out more about the drink driving limits and penalties in NI.

Things to avoid while driving so you stay safe on the road

Never drive without insurance

Having insurance on your car while driving on public roads is a legal requirement. You should never drive without insurance as there is always a risk, when you’re on the road, of being involved in an accident. So, in order to keep yourself, your passengers and your vehicle protected, you should never drive without car insurance.

Car Insurance in Northern Ireland

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Tags: driving
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